Effective Persuasive Communication

The capability to convince is urgent in the business world. On regular schedule, it is important to induce workers to work towards business objectives or to influence customers to consider your thoughts and suggestions. A speaker can improve Persuasive communication by follow some points which are given below:istock_000007500607xsmall-300x227

Figure:1 Persuasive Communication

source: Internet

Knowing Your Audience

Successful influential communication addresses the listener’s needs, values and wishes. People react better to powerful communication when they feel the person talking is same like them. Knowing you Audience is that factor which enables you to deliver you ideas more effectively according to your audience wishes. (Cenere, 2016).

Get Attention

If you want to influence a crowd of people, begin you speech with a story that represents the point with a shocking fact that lets them know why what you need to say is vital to them (Cenere, 2016).

Convey Benefits

A speaker or a presenter can easily convince audience by telling lots of benefits of the speech. (Kim, 2015).

Set up Believability

People are more open to somebody they see as a power figure, whether that person has direct power over them, for example, a supervisor, or if he or she has a dominant presence in industry or profession (Kim, 2016).


With verbal communication, your behavior shows your ability to speak in front of crowd or a group of people . To offer your points to your group of onlookers effecively, associate with them by keeping up eye contact and certainty by standing up straight (Tessier, 2015)

If you can become a master in the art of persuasion, you can win the support of people, but you also can bind your team in a group and convince them easily to work in a team.


Cenere, P, Gill, R, Lawson, C and Lewis, M 2016, ‘Communication skills for business professionals’, Cambridge University Press, Port Melbourne.

Kim Harrison, ‘Effective Persuasive Communication’, Demand Media, viewed 13 May 2016,http://www.cuttingedgepr.com/articles/empcomm_foursteps.asp

Tessier, D, Sarrazin, P, Nicaise, V, & Dupont, J 2015, ‘The effects of persuasive communication and planning on intentions to be more physically active and on physical activity behaviour among low-active adolescents’, Psychology & Health, 30, 5, pp. 583-604 22p.

Luis Rocks, (2014), Persuasive Communication [ONLINE]. Available at: http://luisrocks.com/blog/factors-i-persuasive-communication/ [Accessed 3 May 2016].

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